by Jeremy Combs | Oct 2, 2018 | Video
by Jeremy Combs | Sep 25, 2018 | NEWS
Opening day was a huge success! We’d like to thank everyone that came out to ride and show their support!
by Jeremy Combs | Sep 5, 2018 | NEWS
The pump track build is coming along nicely. Bellfree Contractors, Marshall Mullen, and several of the Sapwi Bike Park Committee members have been hard at work on a unique design that should end up being super fun to ride. Various rollers, berms, and transfer options...
by Jeremy Combs | Aug 23, 2018 | NEWS
We’ve broken ground at Sapwi and have started construction work on the pump track. Belfree contractors in conjunction with local builder Marshall Mullen are completing the pump track build. The pump track is the first phase of construction; we still...
by Jeremy Combs | Aug 17, 2018 | NEWS
On Saturday, August 11th volunteers spent their morning at the bike park helping prep the area for the pump track build-out. Student-athletes and coaches from Newbury Park High School Mountain Bike Team along with members of the community worked together on a warm...